I'm finally back, sorry you guys school and preparing product for the Manikin brand has had my entire life in captivation, however after surfing the web for cool things to post for you guys I ran across a post from our friends over at FashionBombDaily about Milan designer Claudio Cutugno sending his models down the runway during Milan's fashion week fall 2015 presentations in what he says is representing insects swarming the models face but many are seeing otherwise. Racial connotation maybe? Reporters over at Refinery29 thinks its a racial connotation. In the Refinery29 report HERE they make remarks such as Was there no one backstage who thought, "Hey, you know what else this kind of looks like?" and "Can't we all just agree that there's no place for blackface as a form of artistic expression? Honestly, and I don't want to sound insensitive or maybe I am a little from years of things like this happening and is not argued enough but it didn't give me that negative idea when I saw these photos. It almost looks like a face mask instead of the 'Black Face' but hey that's my opinion. What do you guys think? Should they cut it out trying to bring this 'Black face' thing in as a 'style' or are we over reacting?
Photos: FashionBombDaily
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AboutRoeman a fashion designer/stylist from the Tri-State area who loves all things artistic. "Being Original is knowing, there is no one like you"-Roeman. This blog is to presents all things with fashion, media, and my own personal style. Fashion Goonz Blog is your one stop style shop for all of your fashionista desires. Enjoy! Archives
July 2017